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Remotes and Fence Testers
Finding faults and maintaining your electric fence is made easy with Gallagher fence testers and remotes.
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7 Product(s) Found
7 Product(s) Found
i Series Energizer Remote and Fault FinderG50700
- Measure fence voltage and currents
- Locate faults quick and easy
Fence Volt/Current Meter & Fault FinderG50905
- Large, easy to read
- Check for fence shortages
i Series Fence MonitorG51000
- Monitor fence voltage
- Locate faults easily
Live Fence IndicatorG51100
- Quick and easy installation
- Convenient visibility
Fence Volt MeterG50331
- Trace fence line faults
- Monitor fence voltage
i Series Comms PackG51002
- 24/7 fence monitoring
- Easily locate and repair faults
Fence Voltage IndicatorG50101
- Quickly check fence voltage
- No batteries required
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