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Length Variant
24 Product(s) Found
24 Product(s) Found
Level SensorVariants available
- High quality
- Easy to use
Electric Bungy CordVariants available
- High visibility
- Can be stretched to twice its size.
Directional Antenna Extension Cable 4mG98602
- 4m Extension Cable
- Gold plated SMA connectors
Multi Directional Antenna Extension Cable 4mG98604
- 4m extension cable
- Gold plated SMA connectors
Gallagher I-PostVariants available
- Heavy-duty strength & integrity
- 100% insulated fence post
- Versatile Permanent Fence
2.5mm Double Insulated Soft CableVariants available
- Suitable for undergate cabling
- Easy to handle 2.5mm/12.5 guage galvanised wire
2.5mm Turbo WireVariants available
- 46 x more conductive than poly
- Includes copper and stainless-steel
- Power distances more than 400m
40mm Poly TapeVariants available
- Standard conductivity
- Designed for equine fencing
- For fence lines less than 200m
2.5mm High Conductive CableVariants available
- 12.5 Gauge Aluminium coated cable
- Suitable for use in grounding
12.5mm Turbo TapeVariants available
- 34 x more conductive than poly
- Suitable for equine fencing
- Power distances more than 400m
2mm Poly WireVariants available
- Standard conductivity
- For fence lines less than 200m
Electric Bungy GateVariants available
- Easy to set up
- Effective for gate systems
2.5mm Double Insulated Hard CableVariants available
- Heavy duty
- Suitable for under gate cabling
5mm Turbo Equine BraidVariants available
- Heavy-duty, superior strength
- Includes copper and steel
- Semi-permanent equine solution
Insulated Line Post SleeveVariants available
- Prevents flex
- High quality
2500kg Load BarsVariants available
- Used for platform weighing
- Spring protected cables
- 600mm and 1000mm long options
2500kg Wireless Load BarsVariants available
- No cables - wireless weighing
- For platforms and sheep crates
Drive Through Electric Gate RodVariants available
- Flexible glass fibre rods
- Multiple rod lengths available
Top Mount Ring Top™ OffsetVariants available
- Superior animal safety
- Eliminate risk of shorting
Insulated TubeVariants available
- High strength
- Superior insulation
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