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Strainers maintain tension on fence wires, prevent strain on posts, add strength and keep an electric fence looking good.
What you need to consider
Depending on the animals you are wanting to control there are a few things to think of, such as how many wires does your fence need to have? How far apart do your posts need to be? Gallagher offers a range of animal specific fencing products to suit your needs. Use our Fence Selector to build the fence you require
A Retrofit/offset electric fencing is an economical and easy to install option if you have an existing or new non-electric fence that you want to protect.
While the heart of your electric fence is your energizer, fence posts are the backbone of your fence system. A permanent fence post needs to stand straight and solid for many years. Permanent fence line posts typically have about one third of their length underground, so add half as much again to the height of your fence to determine the post length. There are four types of permanent fence posts: wood, steel, fibreglass, and Gallagher Insulated Line Posts.
Need some help figuring out the right fencing products for you?
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9 Product(s) Found
9 Product(s) Found
Permanent Tension SpringG62500
- Suitable for multiple applications
- Use in-line or end of fence
Inline Wire TightenerVariants available
- High quality
- Ideal for tightening existing fences
Insulated End Strainer 20pkG74313
- Superior insulation
- Easy fence straining
High Strain InsulatorVariants available
- High quality
- Ideal for long strains of permanent fence
Strain InsulatorVariants available
- Easy installation
- Economic end strainer
Wire Strainer 25pkG79504
- Ratchet Style
- Long life steel frame
Insulated Wire Strainer Kit 20pkG61803
- No wire tying
- Fast & simple
Extra High Voltage Strain Insulator 30pkG74514
- Superior insulation
- Extra strength and long life
High Strain Insulator Kit 25pkG61824
- Simplest option for end strain insulation
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